sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

Ubergizmo ES -

Ubergizmo ES -

Ubergizmo ES -

Posted: 12 Mar 2016 09:56 AM PST

El Apple Watch versi?n oro no podr? venderse en Espa?a. Dani Bur?n. 11 mar 2016, 13:48. Computers. 0 · Los usuarios de MacBook e iPad podr?n por fin, con el adaptador Blockhead, colocar sus cargadores sin que sobresalgan tanto [?] ...

<b>iPad</b> Pro review: Three months later and we're still loving it! | iMore

Posted: 11 Mar 2016 09:00 AM PST

With a Logitech Create keyboard, because there was nary an Apple Smart Keyboard nor Apple Pencil in sight. Ren: To (hopefully) no one's surprise reading this, I have an iPad Pro that's ... What's surprised you, three months in? Rene: How much I use it for worky-work stuff. I've always love the iPad, and moved between the iPad mini and iPad Air depending on my needs or whims at any given time, but they've mostly been entertainment and communications devices for me. The Mac  ...

The <b>iPad</b> Pro is the future — it's just not mine yet | iMore

Posted: 11 Mar 2016 06:00 AM PST

My iPad Pro is great, but I can't make it my main computer. ... I'm typing this right now on an iPad Pro with the Logitech Create keyboard case. (Let no one say I haven't at least tried to work on my tablet.) It's a phenomenal keyboard, and the iPad's screen is as good as any Mac ? but I feel like I'm missing .... I used an iPad Air 2 and a keyboard a few months as my main computer for about 2 weeks on a trip. Fine for the most part, but I just cant be efficient with no file system, no freedom ...

Η Apple έχει προγραμματίσει εκδήλωση στις 21 Μαρτίου - Νέα <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 11:48 PM PST

????????, ??????? ???????? ????????? ?? ????????????? ???? ???? iPad, ??? ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? iPad Air 2 ???? ??? ????????? ?????? ??? iPad Pro ?? ???????? ?????? 9,7 ??????, ?? ?????????? Apple Pen ???? ??? ...

iPhone i�in hızlı şarj yerine ge�en adapt�r! - Donanım G�nl�ğ� <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 10:30 PM PST

iPhone 6s'?n standart ?arj adapt?r?, Anker 40W 5 portlu USB adapt?r?, MacBook Air (2013) USB portu, iPad Air 2 ?arj adapt?r? ve Samsung 10.000 mAh g?? kayna?? bu testte kullan?lan g?? kaynaklar?/adapt?rler aras?nda yer al?yor. En uzun ?arj s?resi Samsung'un 10.000 mAh kapasiteli ?arj adapt?r?yle toplamda 155 dakika s?r?yor. ... ?lginizi ?ekebilecek Di?er Konular. Samsung'un 13 ?n?lik Tableti Yeniden G?ndemde · Logitech MX Anywhere 2 inceleme · Lumia 950 ve 950 XL ?n ...

Apple Sebar Undangan Resmi Gelaran Event 21 Maret - MakeMac

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 02:27 PM PST

Sebagaimana yang sudah kamu ketahui, Apple dalam special event 21 Maret mendatang diharapkan bakal memperkenalkan dua produk baru andalannya, iPhone SE dan iPad Pro 9,7 inci. iPhone SE yang merupakan penerus dari iPhone ...

EA announces Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, a collectible card game <b>...</b>

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 10:46 AM PST

Daily Deals: Logitech keyboard, Mophie battery case and more · Let's Talk iOS podcast cover (no ... Electronic Arts releases Need for Speed: No Limits in App Store · SimCity BuildIt (iPad screenshot 003) EA confirms SimCity BuildIt coming to ...

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