domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015

Logitech Create iPad Pro Keyboard Case Review

<b>Logitech</b> Create <b>iPad</b> Pro Keyboard Case Review

<b>Logitech</b> Create <b>iPad</b> Pro Keyboard Case Review

Posted: 10 Dec 2015 09:00 PM PST

At 1.65 pounds, the Create keyboard case is heavier than the iPad Pro itself (1.57 pounds). Combined, they weigh more than the 13-inch MacBook Air. By comparison, the Smart Keyboard weighs just 11.9 ounces. Each case protects both the ...

Opinion: These 5 things made me a happy <b>iPad</b> Pro convert | 9to5Mac

Posted: 02 Dec 2015 11:16 AM PST

Being able to carry the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil together, with the benefit of an as-needed stand, makes the large tablet experience leagues better; pairing it whenever necessary with a Logitech K811 Keyboard is perfect for long-form typing. ... Apple's $499/$599/$699 pricing strategy for the original iPad was smart, presenting a major new product with an affordable option from day one (while incentivizing upgrades); the same strategy helped the iPad mini and iPad Air roar out of the ...

V�nočn� soutěž o <b>Logitech</b> obal na <b>iPad</b> - Appliště

Posted: 01 Dec 2015 12:20 PM PST

Se spole?nost? Logitech jsme si pro v?s p?ipravili v?no?n? sout?? o n?kter? z obal? pro v?? iPad. Dle toho, kter? vlastn?te, m??ete vyhr?t bu? ten na iPad mini, iPad Air, nebo Air 2, sta?? spr?vn? odpov?d?t na t?i sout??n? ot?zky. Pokud na ...

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