domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

Новости - 4PDA

Новости - 4PDA

Новости - 4PDA

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 10:46 AM PDT

... ????????????? ??? ???????????? ???? ?????????? ??? iPad Pro. ?????? ?????????, ????????????? ???? ?????????? ??? ????? ??????????, ????? Logitech. ... ?? ?????????????? ? ??????????? ????????. ??? ????? ????????????? ???????? Gamevice ??? ????????? ??????????? ??????? ?????????? ??? iPad mini, ? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ????? ?????????, ?????????? ???????? ??? ???????? iPad Air ? ?????????? iPhone 6. # Gamevice · ?????.

Stuff Middle East | The best gadget reviews and in-depth tech features

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 09:29 AM PDT

The smartest, wittiest gadget reviews and buying guides, the latest tech news and analysis, and the best longread features on the web.

Xcode Confirms 2GB of RAM in iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, 4GB of RAM <b>...</b>

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 09:22 AM PDT

Apple development tool Xcode seemingly confirms the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus each have 2GB of RAM, while the iPad Pro has 4GB of RAM, as... ... Just a day after Logitech announced the first third-party keyboard case for the iPad Pro, Zagg revealed its keyboard case lineup for Apple's newest iPad line. However, unlike Logitech's... 9 comments. ? Tim Cook to Speak at 2015 WSJ.D Conference in October (21). ? Periscope Now Supports Landscape Broadcasts Ahead of New ...

Sodetan Kali Ciliwung Hanya Memindahkan Masalah, Kata Pengamat

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 06:26 AM PDT

"Sodetan itu konsepnya mempercepat air sungai menuju laut. Laut perlu air enggak? Enggak, yang perlu air siapa? Tanah," ujar Fatchy saat menemui warga Jakarta yang terancam penggusuran pada kegiatan diskusi dan konsolidasi di LBH ...

Jangan Ajak Xperia Z5 Berenang - Teknologi

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 05:28 AM PDT

?Anda sebaiknya tidak meletakkan Xperia Z5 sepenuhnya di dalam air atau air laut, air garam, air yang diberi klorin, atau cairan seperti minuman,? jelas Sony dalam situsnya. Padahal Xperia Z5 memiliki poin tinggi untuk kemampuan ...

7 saker du m�ste ha koll p� (v. 37) - MacWorld

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 04:21 AM PDT

Det kommer ?ven att finnas ett antal tillbeh?r till Ipad Pro, d?ribland pekpennan Apple Pencil och Smart Keyboard. I skymundan av Ipad Pro har Apple sl?ppt Ipad Mini 4, en platta som har liknande specifikationer som Ipad Air 2. I oktober ?r det dags f?r en ny modell av Apple TV. Bland nyheterna m?rks st?d f?r App Store och Siri, samt .... Logitech visar f?rsta tillbeh?ret till Ipad Pro · Knappt har Apple hunnit lansera sin nya stora Ipad f?rr?n det f?rsta specialdesignade tillbeh?ret dyker ...

8 особенностей <b>iPad</b> Pro, о которых умолчала Apple -

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 02:06 AM PDT

??????, Logitech ??? ??????????? ?????? ? ??????? ?????????????? ?????????? Smart Keyboard, ?????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? iPad Pro. ... ?????? ? ?????? ?? ???????????????? ???????????? ? iPad Air 2.

Razer Kraken Pro 2015: Review - DigitalVersus

Posted: 13 Sep 2015 12:05 AM PDT

The Razer Kraken Pro we tested previously was given a tiny update in 2015, but this new version didn't really change anything, besides a new remote for volume control and muting the microphone. The audio performance is still very ...

Debit <b>Air</b> Bekasi Menurun Drastis

Posted: 12 Sep 2015 09:59 PM PDT

"Muka air tanah sekarang ini sudah semakin dalam ke bawah. Sehingga, debit air mengalami penurunan. Biasanya 6 liter per detik yang bisa dipakai, kini menjadi 4 liter per detik," kata Kepala Badan Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Kota ...

Watch Bear Grylls Feed President Obama A Nasty Old Piece Of <b>...</b>

Posted: 12 Sep 2015 05:00 PM PDT

While on last week's big Alaskan adventure, the President took a day to film an episode of Running Wild with Bear Grylls. It will air this fall on NBC and these are the first clips we've seen from it. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.

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